I used the pattern tool for the pattern. I went to http://www.ehow.com/how_4694523_create-vector-christmas-ornaments-illustrator.html for the ornaments.I didn't use a fancy font for the title and quotes and put little circles for berry thins in the wreath.
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
Friday, December 6, 2013
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Repeating pattern
Thursday, November 14, 2013
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Logo Creation
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Friday, October 25, 2013
Halloween Poster
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Pollution Advertisement
I made certain letters bigger than others to show importance. I made water blue to make it stand out and to show what the quote was about. I put the lines to make the text into parts so it doesn't look like one big chunk of text.
Monday, October 21, 2013
Halloween text
Some things I leaned is how to make a pretty decent spider's web. I didn't get to make a bat of spider because I tried to download the thing to make them and it wouldn't let me so I didn't put any of them. Making the shadings in the colors of the letters was hard and I didn't do it well ,but it looks decent. I also learned how to make a better shadow underneath the letters.
Thursday, October 10, 2013
The easiest thing about this was making the paws. The hardest thing was getting the fur and stuff. The fur is hard and I really wanted to give up on this thing.
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
Lyric Typography
For my lyrics I chose are from the song called "Brass Goggles" by Steam Powered Giraffe. The song is about how Colonel Walter made made three humanoid robots to fight off the army of copper elephants. After the war was won and over, the robots were left to live among humans. I chose this song because I really love the feel this band gives. The lyrics are fun and imaginative. I made the word "shocked" bigger an bolder to emphasize that the Colonel was shocked about what is happening in the place of this song. "Leaned" is also bigger to show again that this action is important to shows that these actions he's doing are very important in this song. The font I chose was Copperplate Gothic Light. I chose this font for this song for it gave off a sort of mechanical, futuristic feel I guess that is how I can explain it. I added the lines between each lyric to break it up and let it flow nicely. I made "copper" and "hostile" the only words in a different color. I don't like over coloring things because I think it ruins good art with too many colors. Anyway, I made copper and coper-ish color to give a visual of that the elephants color is important and that they are not real elephants. Hostile is red to show that it was the elephants fault for starting a war, which is not mentioned in the thing because I ran out of room on the paper thing. The lines are also different sizes to create flow.
Here's the link thing for where I got the lyrics:
Here's the link thing for where I got the lyrics:
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Color Theory Worksheet
Color Theory
Please read
the materials listed below and answer the following questions:
• Color Theory Intro:
• Color Wheel:
• Color Combinations:
• Tints, Shades & Neutrals:
• Emotional Content:
• Color Meaning:
• Color Physiology:
Please type
out answers in complete sentences. You
may paraphrase. Please do NOT copy and
paste definitions.
1. Define hue: Hue is what tells one color
apart from another.
2. Define value: Value is the lightness or
darkness of a color. It is also called tone.
3. Define saturation: Saturation is the
brightness of a color. It is also known as Chroma.
4. How many colors are available on our
computers? There are millions of colors.
5. Define secondary color: Secondary
colors are two primary colors mixed together.
6. Define tertiary color: Tertiary colors
are a primary and a color right next to it together.
7. Define complementary colors: They are 2
colors that are opposite of each other.
8. What are the primary colors in
Photoshop? They are red, green, and blue.
9. What are the secondary colors in
Photoshop? They are cyan, magenta, and yellow.
10. Define subtractive color model: This is
where you mix the primary colors of photoshop together.
11. Define additive color model: This is
where you mix the primary colors of a normal color wheel together.
12. Is RGB additive or subtractive? It is
13. Is CMYK additive or subtractive? It is
14. What is the RGB color model used for? It
is used for the way light mixes on a computer screen.
15. What is the CMYK color model used for? It
is used for printing.
16. Define analogous colors: They are colors
that sit next to each other.
17. Define tint: Tint is where white is added
to a color.
18. Define shade: Shade is where black is
added to a color.
19. Define neutral: Neutral is a combination
is complementary colors.
20. What can be said in general about warm
colors? They tend to pop out of a design.
21. What can be said in general about cool
colors? They tend to recede in a design.
22. What color is associated with stability?
Purple and Blue are colors of stability.
23. What color symbolizes royalty? Purple is
also associated with royalty.
24. What is the color of cleanliness? Blue
and white are colors of cleanliness.
25. What color symbolizes freshness? Green
symbolizes freshness.
26. Which colors are associated with joy?
Yellow and orange are associated with joy.
27. What color symbolizes passion and danger?
Red symbolizes passion and danger.
28. Dark red is associated with: It is
associated with vigor, willpower, rage, anger, leadership,courage, longing,
malice, and wrath.
29. Reddish-brown is associated with: It is
associated with harvest and fall.
30. Dark orange is associated with: It is
associated with deceit and distrust.
31. Gold is associated with: Gold means
prestige, wisdom, and wealth.
32. Yellow is associated with: Yellow means
joy, happiness, and energy.
33. Dark green is associated with: It is
associated with ambition, greed, and jealousy.
34. Olive green is associated with: Olive
green means peace.
35. Light blue is associated with: Light blue
means health, healing, tranquility, and softness.
36. Dark purple is associated with: It can
mean gloom and sad feelings. It can also mean frustration.
37. Why is the use of color important in
graphic Design? It is important because it sets a mood for your advertisement
or art work. Using the right colors for and advertisement is important because
you want the viewers to feel the right emotions towards your project or idea.
One Word Art
Monday, September 23, 2013
I made the words "out", "art", and "eh", bigger than the rest because they put more emphasis on art and I think art is important in the world. Without art everything's boring.
Friday, September 20, 2013
Glyph Monster
This assignment wasn't as hard as some of the other things we have been doing, but it was very tedious. Trying to get little letters together was time consuming, but in the end I made something really cool. Below is what I modeled.
Monday, September 16, 2013
Typography Worksheet:
Write out the answers to these questions in complete

Label and define all of the above numbers:
1. The ascender line is the imaginary line that determines
the height of the ascenders.
2. The base line is the imaginary line that determines the height of the ascenders.
3. The ascender height is the X-height plus the height of the ascending stroke.
4. The cap height is the imaginary line which determines the height of the capital letters
5. A desender is the stroke on the letter that goes under the base line.
6. An ascender is the strokes of letters that rise above the mean line.
7. The X-height is the distance between the flat top and the bottom of a lower case letter which has no ascender or descender.
8. A cap line is the imaginary line which determines the height of the capital letter.
9. The mean line is an imaginary line that determines the height of the lowercase letters.
10. A descender line is an imaginary line that defines the bottom reach of the descenders.
2. The base line is the imaginary line that determines the height of the ascenders.
3. The ascender height is the X-height plus the height of the ascending stroke.
4. The cap height is the imaginary line which determines the height of the capital letters
5. A desender is the stroke on the letter that goes under the base line.
6. An ascender is the strokes of letters that rise above the mean line.
7. The X-height is the distance between the flat top and the bottom of a lower case letter which has no ascender or descender.
8. A cap line is the imaginary line which determines the height of the capital letter.
9. The mean line is an imaginary line that determines the height of the lowercase letters.
10. A descender line is an imaginary line that defines the bottom reach of the descenders.
Define Serif: A serif is the little marks at the end of
certain letters like “S”.
Define Sans-Serif: San-serif means there is no serif on a letter. “San” means “without” in French.
When do you use Antique Fonts? They’re used to evoke a period feel.
At most how many words should be Decorative Fonts at a time? You should not make every word decorative. It’ll make it hard to read.
What does a script font resemble? It resembles handwriting.
What element of design does script represent? (From elements lesson) It represents line.
Why use Symbol Fonts? They are graphic icons.
Define Sans-Serif: San-serif means there is no serif on a letter. “San” means “without” in French.
When do you use Antique Fonts? They’re used to evoke a period feel.
At most how many words should be Decorative Fonts at a time? You should not make every word decorative. It’ll make it hard to read.
What does a script font resemble? It resembles handwriting.
What element of design does script represent? (From elements lesson) It represents line.
Why use Symbol Fonts? They are graphic icons.
Define Typography: Typography is the arranging of various
Why do designers need a solid foundation in typography? It helps them understand how to arrange words in effective way.
Kerning: This is the space located between individual letters.
Leading: This is the space between lines of a text
Tracking: this is where “rivers” are created in white space throughout a text body.
Why do designers need a solid foundation in typography? It helps them understand how to arrange words in effective way.
Kerning: This is the space located between individual letters.
Leading: This is the space between lines of a text
Tracking: this is where “rivers” are created in white space throughout a text body.
When do you use the following?
Center Alignment: This is used for headlines or titles.
Right Alignment: This is used for a more professional look and is frequently used for business cards.
Justified Alignment: This is used for newspaper and body text for textbooks.
Center Alignment: This is used for headlines or titles.
Right Alignment: This is used for a more professional look and is frequently used for business cards.
Justified Alignment: This is used for newspaper and body text for textbooks.
What is remembered: good styling or bad styling? Bad styling
is remembered more than good styling.
What is legibility? This is where if something is readable or not.
Type size smaller than 7pt is: This type size is hard to read.
Type size smaller than 3pts is: This one is illegible.
Type range for legible type is: The type size should be 9pt and 10pt.
What do you use for long passages? It should be between 8pt and 14pt.
What case do we use for Body? It is 60 to 70 characters.
What is measure? Measure is the width of a text column.
What can you tell me about Ragged Edges? This is when the text is aligned to the left of the margin.
What is legibility? This is where if something is readable or not.
Type size smaller than 7pt is: This type size is hard to read.
Type size smaller than 3pts is: This one is illegible.
Type range for legible type is: The type size should be 9pt and 10pt.
What do you use for long passages? It should be between 8pt and 14pt.
What case do we use for Body? It is 60 to 70 characters.
What is measure? Measure is the width of a text column.
What can you tell me about Ragged Edges? This is when the text is aligned to the left of the margin.
What are some ways text can be used and what font types do
you use for each? Shaping text is where a picture is made. Experimental is both
symmetrical and asymmetrical text arranged that gives variety of different
meanings. Hand-drawn letters uses organic shapes. Text can be used to make a
picture. Dense texture changes the font weight. Using the Arabic alphabet can
be used to make decorative typography.
**Read ALL of it.
Answer the following:
Why is choosing and using the right font important? (Two
reasons) The first reason is if you are trying to get a message across, you
want the audience to be able to read and consume the message you are
portraying. The second reason is that is catches an audiences eye. You want to
make the appropriate font for the appropriate audience.
What are the two most important things to remember? The first is that there are no good or bad
typefaces; there are appropriate and inappropriate typefaces. The second one is
that type is on a page to serve the text. Don’t let type overpower the text.
What is appropriate? What do you have to consider? Appropriate is using the right font for the right things. For example, you don’t want to use a serious font for
What is appropriate? What do you have to consider? Appropriate is using the right font for the right things. For example, you don’t want to use a serious font for
Tell me the rules: (there
are 10)
- Body text should be
between 10 and 12 point.
- Use enough leading (or
line-spacing). Always add at least 1 or 2 points to the type size.
- Don’t make your lines too
short or too long.
- Make paragraph beginnings
- Use only one space after a
period, not two.
- Don’t justify text unless
you have to.
- Don’t underline anything, especially
headlines or subheads.
- Use italics instead of
- Don’t set long blocks of
text in italics, bold, or all caps. It’s hard to read.
- Leave more space above
headlines and subheads than below them, and avoid putting it in all caps.
Thursday, September 12, 2013
Water Drop
Some of the techniques that were used were the gradient tool and minus font tool. Something that was challenging about this assignment was trying to get the "dirt" inside the water droplet to go certain ways. Also getting the overlapping look on it was quite challenging.
Thursday, September 5, 2013
Simple Shapes
Throughout this project, I used the ellipse tool quite a lot. I also used the grouping tool to put together objects. The rectangle tool was used too and also the snipping tool. Overall, this project was a bit challenging at some points.
Monday, September 2, 2013
Sunny Picture
I used line for the sun and grass. The grass and sun rays are a type of line that make them both have shape. I used color for the sun, grass, grass blades, sky, and cloud. I made the grass blades a different color than the ground so you can see them easily. I did the same thing with the sun rays. I didn't make any lines visible for the cloud.
Thursday, August 29, 2013
Elements of Design
Line-linear mark created where two shapes meet;
curved, straight, vertical, diagonal, and horizontal
Size/space- area occupied by one shape; large
medium, small, proportional or scale
Shape- self-contained defined area; naturalistic
and geomantic
Texture- surface quality-rough, smooth, soft,
hard, and glossy.
Color- hue, chroma, and value
Value- lightness or darkness of a color
Contrast- opposite colors on color wheel, too must
contrast creates chaos; alternation
Harmony- visually satisfying effect of combining
similar elements; within each element and as a whole
Attributes- hues, values and tints and shades of
color created by adding black to color or tint.
-shading can make a two dimensional picture look
three dimensional
-highlights, transitional light, core of the
shadow, reflection light, and
cast shadow can make it look three dimensional
-linear perspective can make something look far
away or close up
Symmetry-equal on both sides
Asymmetrical-informal balance; dynamic
Radical symmetry- ‘radiate’ out from central point
Mosaic form-overall symmetry
Repetition- repeating certain designs (ex. Line of
squares); can become monotonous
Gradation- modeling
Dominance- gives a painting interest. One thing
like color or an object overtakes the focal point
Balance- with the ‘weights’ of the elements of
each element’s
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