Wednesday, January 29, 2014

IPOD project

I used the box brush tool to make the "lights" in the background. I changed opacities and sizes of the brush to create depth. I also used the refining tool to get the girls hair to show up in the picture. I also distoted the ipod to make it look like it's on the floor.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Refining fly away hair

Compositing with Silhouette

The easiest techniques would have to be using the hue and saturation thingy and also the brush tool. The hardest was the gradient and getting the pictures to morph together at some points.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Inner child

I used the brush tool for the shadow underneath me and changed the opacity to I believe 40 or 50. I used a blur effect for the owl and used a combination of the magic want tool and direct select tool to crop out the pictures. I didn't know how to get the water mark off the wall.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Shadow dancing girl

The techniques I used were the brush tool and magic wand tool. I also messed around with blur and opacity in the making of the picture.